Hi again folks,
I felt motivated by the sunset and pink purple colors on the buildings so I grabbed my camera and went for it. Not much to work with other than a couple of angle but with a zoom and several lenses and a little bit of Photoshop I managed to salvage a few good shots out of the sun setting over downtown Santiago.
The wire mesh keeps little kids from falling out but sort of messes up some shots. I tend to use it to symbolize the quarantine which keeps up inside for how long we do not know.
This is the Virgin atop the San Cristobal.
That purple-orange-pink sky was awesome yet sort of sad at the same time.
I took these next few shot through two windows out onto the street below.
With a slow exposure.
And even slower exposure
And with a really slow exposure
The traffic backs up coming off the giant boulevard and out of a tunnel.
The Virgin shines all night long over the city.
The cityscape at night is pretty cool from our view.